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The World Bank

El ABC de la AIF—Principales logros, por país

Desde hace más de 50 años, la Asociación Internacional de Fomento (AIF), el fondo del Banco Mundial para los más pobres, asume las tareas más difíciles y complejas. Es una de las principales fuentes de asistencia para los 76 países más pobres del mundo. Los recursos de la AIF producen cambios positivos para los 1500 millones de personas que viven en los países clientes de la AIF. Desde 1960, la AIF ha respaldado actividades de desarrollo en 113 países.

Panorama general

Desde hace más de 50 años, la Asociación Internacional de Fomento (AIF), el fondo del Banco Mundial para los más pobres, asume las tareas más difíciles y complejas. Es una de las principales fuentes de asistencia para los 76 países más pobres del mundo. Los recursos de la AIF producen cambios positivos para los 1500 millones de personas que viven en los países clientes de la AIF. Desde 1960, la AIF ha respaldado actividades de desarrollo en 113 países. Descargue el ABC de la AIF en formato PDF

El mundo recurre a la AIF para aliviar grandes problemas, y la institución ofrece desde auxilio a países afectados por el ébola hasta tareas de reconstrucción en Afganistán y asistencia a países que enfrentan crecientes desastres relacionados con el clima. Ninguna otra institución internacional tiene el mandato, el conocimiento multisectorial y los recursos suficientes para dar respuesta a los complejos desafíos mundiales centrando la atención exclusivamente en los países más pobres del mundo.

La AIF es innovadora. Estamos ayudando a los países a prescindir de fuentes de energía tradicionales aprovechando la energía solar para iluminar los hogares y suministrar electricidad a las empresas, y a afrontar los efectos de los cambios ambientales, al tiempo que generan la capacidad de adaptarse inteligentemente al cambio climático en el largo plazo. Estamos trabajando para hallar nuevas formas de integrar, a la mujer y otros ciudadanos vulnerables, en la sociedad en condiciones de igualdad. Nuestra presencia es de largo aliento, ya que ayudamos a países que han padecido conflictos y otros desastres a tomar la senda de la estabilidad y el crecimiento.

Con la ayuda de la AIF, cientos de millones de personas han escapado de la pobreza, gracias a la creación de puestos de trabajo, el acceso al agua potable, escuelas, caminos, servicios de nutrición, electricidad y más.

Los recursos de la AIF se reponen cada tres años con contribuciones de donantes de países desarrollados y en desarrollo, así como de otros dos organismos del Grupo Banco Mundial: el Banco Internacional de Reconstrucción y Fomento, y la Corporación Financiera Internacional.

La AIF obtiene buenos resultados. Con la ayuda de la AIF, 35 países se han “graduado”. Su desarrollo económico implica que ya no dependen del apoyo de la AIF, y muchos de ellos se han convertido, incluso, en donantes de la Asociación. Ayudar a los países a fortalecer sus instituciones y su capacidad de ayudarse a sí mismos, y guiarlos para que puedan financiar su propio desarrollo es prioritario para la AIF.

Lo invitamos a conocer mejor los logros de la AIF a través de los resultados que se resumen en las páginas siguientes sobre cambio climático, cuestiones de género, fragilidad, conflicto y violencia, empleo y transformación económica y gobernanza e instituciones. Los países incluidos en este folleto son elegibles actualmente para recibir apoyo de la AIF. Para obtener más información, visite el siguiente sitio web:

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agosto 2019



  • From 2003–17, the National Solidarity Program and 31 partners, including IDA, have worked through community development councils (CDCs) to identify and implement 122,430 small-scale reconstruction and development activities, including projects to improve water supply and sanitation, rural roads, irrigation, power, health, and education. The program has generated over 66 million days of work for skilled and unskilled workers and has helped establish 45,751 community development councils across Afghanistan that are democratically elected through secret ballot.

  • From 2013–18, 39,867 people benefited from a project to develop job skills and increase incomes for graduates of technical and vocational schools.

  • From 2013–18, 650 kilometers of gravel-surfaced secondary roads and 260 kilometers of asphalt surfaced secondary roads were rehabilitated and 2,360 rural roads were constructed. 1,480 meters of bridges were constructed on secondary roads. During the same time, 2.7 million jobs were created along these roads.

  • From 2013–18/19, 1,450 kilometers of tertiary roads and 1,840 meters of bridges on tertiary roads were completed, and more than 3,500 kilometers of tertiary roads have been maintained.

  • 20.4 million rural people were provided with access to an all-season road in 2018, up from 13.6 million in 2013. During the same period, the share of the rural population with access to an all-season road went up from 58% to 89%.

  • From 2010–18, 81,880 people were provided with sustainable employment opportunities through rural enterprises, with women making up 52% of the beneficiaries. 71% of SMEs supported by the project, 28% of which were female-owned, reported increased revenue.

  • From 2017–18, 860 hectares of grape, apple, almond, pomegranate, peach, and apricot were planted under a horticulture and livestock productivity project. In 2018, 370 hectares of pistachio groves in the northern region were established.

  • From 2013–18, 27.4 million animals were vaccinated against Transboundary Animal Diseases (TADs), Zoonoses and production diseases. 453,239 producers were provided with technical assistance on improved production practices.

  • From 2013–18, 52,500 people benefited from easier access to financial services for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). The outstanding loan portfolio went up from USD 19.3 million in 2013 to USD 26.7 million in 2018. Microfinance loan portfolio went up from USD 92.4 million in 2013 to USD 121.4 million in 2018. During the same period, five financial institutions have introduced new processes, policies, or products to improve financial services for households and MSMEs.

  • Student enrollment in universities in priority degree programs for economic development increased from 64,200 in 2015 to 79,479 in 2018. The number of full-time academic staff with at least a master’s degree went up from 700 in 2017 to 1,360 in 2018.

  • From 2015–18, 209 scholarships were awarded to full-time faculty with master’s degrees in priority disciplines. During the same period, 665 full-time academic staff were trained in outcome-based education and student-centered learning.

  • In 2018, 10 public universities have developed and implemented institutional development policies in line with the National Higher Education Strategic Plan.



  • From 2015–18, 939,094 people benefited from a livelihood project, 95% of whom were women. 3,095 infrastructure sub-projects were completed with community participation, benefiting 471,671 people. 98.5% of the community-based decisions were made by women. During the same period, 191,860 pregnant women and mothers participated in child nutrition activities, and 29,893 youths were trained and provided with job opportunities.
  • From 2011–18, 34 firms developed economic zones and 43 new sites were identified for economic zones and technology parks. The total private investment was USD 2.9 billion with a pipeline of approximately USD 17 billion. During the same period, 21,000 high-quality jobs were created.
  • A skills training program is helping improve the quality of technical and vocational education with skills sought after by employers. From 2010–18, 144,615 graduates have completed programs in 100 polytechnic institutions.
  • From 2016–18, 3,500 lecturers were recruited, and 50,000 non-government teachers were accredited, benefiting 1.8 million students, of whom 828,000 were girls.
  • One million small-scale farmers, of whom 33% were women, benefited from increased market access in 2018 up from 397,600 in 2015. During the same period, 165,683 farmers adopted new agricultural technologies to increase productivity.
  • From 2012–17, 1.5 million people in rural areas were provided with access to improved water sources and 20,475 community water points were constructed or rehabilitated.
  • From 2012–17, 3.8 million households in rural areas were provided access to renewable electricity through solar home systems, including 16,000 farmers who benefited from installing more than 815 solar-powered irrigation pumps.
  • In 2017, 60% of the sampled beneficiaries confirmed the local administrative bodies (Union Parishads or UPs) performed and met local priorities, up from 40% in 2011. UPs submitting biannual reports on a timely basis was 99.5% in 2017, up from 50% in 2016.
  • From 2012–17, 1.5 million people in rural areas were provided with access to improved water sources and 20,475 community water points were constructed or rehabilitated.
  • From 2014–18, 2.3 million people were provided with improved urban living conditions, of whom 550,000 were women. 75% of the beneficiaries were satisfied with basic urban municipal services. In addition, from 2016–18, 517 kilometers of non-rural roads were rehabilitated.

  • From 2013–18, 5,220 kilometers of electricity distribution lines were constructed or rehabilitated, 92 distribution substations were constructed or rehabilitated, and 175 kilometers of transmission lines were added. Annual electricity losses decreased from 13% to 11%. The distribution network in the rural parts of Eastern Bangladesh was enhanced with the added capacity of 1,410 MVA in the 33/11 kV network.

  • The financial sector became more transparent from 2010–18, with 60% of government payments processed electronically, up from 10%. In 2018, 100 supervision officers from the Bangladesh Bank were trained on risk-based supervision techniques and 254 financial intelligence officers were trained on risk management, safeguards, and commercial practices in procurement.


  • From 2014–18, 19,790 underemployed youths were trained in employment skills and/or employment opportunities were provided to underemployed youth, of whom 51.4% were women. 2,991 youths received a Certificat de Qualification Professionnelle for mastery of trade skills. 14,342 youths satisfactorily completed small business and life skills training, and 1,069 master artisans received skills upgrades.
  • From 2013–18, 91.6% of children aged under two benefited from a package of monthly growth promotion activities. 28,343 women with children under age five children were trained in the production of nutritious foods. During the same period, 13.4 million people in Benin received essential health, nutrition, and population services.

Burkina Faso

  • From 2012–18, a transport infrastructure project improved road access to the Donsin area, a transport hub for greater Ouagadougou. 34% of the rural population were provided with access to an all-season road in 2018, up from 22.3% in 2012.
  • From 2013–18, 52,737 out-of-school youths were provided temporary employment and skills development opportunities. 40.2% of youth trained were employed or self-employed one year after completion of the training. 2.2 million days of work were generated, resulting in rehabilitation of 63.4 kilometers of rural roads and 51.9% of urban roads. 37,812 youths were employed through labor intensive physical work.
  • From 2014–18, 27,994 people were provided with new or improved electricity service. The total capacity of installed equipment (242 kW) was replaced with more efficient equipment. During the same period, 11,469 households were connected to the electricity grid and 16,498 solar lanterns were installed in public schools.
  • From 2014–18, 443,081 people, of whom 53% were women, were benefited through a social safety net project.
  • From 2015–18, 1,787 government and CSO staff were trained in accountability, citizens engagement, and public financial management. Annual performance reports of key ministries, infrastructure, education, and health were published regularly to enhance transparency.
  • 17 timely and reliable statistics reports were produced in 2017, up from five in 2015. Eight annual products, such as national accounts, agricultural, environmental, industry income statements, human development, national annual statistics, were published on time.


  • From 2015–17, 79% of ISTEEBU (Burundi Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies) staff were trained and evaluated in the design and analysis of statistical products, of whom 25% were women. In 2017, 60 statistical products were publicly available to users through the ISTEEBU website, up from 25 in 2015.

  • In 2018, 77% of coffee cooperatives were legally registered, up from 31% in 2015. From 2015-18, 21,739 farmers were using improved agricultural technology promoted by the project. During the same period, six million coffee plants were rejuvenated.



  • In 2018, 13.2 million people received essential health, nutrition, and population services, of whom 7.8 million were women. 37,267 women were screened for cervical cancer and 2.5 million people were treated through outpatient services.

  • From 2016–18, 442 health centers exceeded 60% score on an established quality assessment, up from 49% in 2016. 100% of the health centers received payments based on performance with high-quality scores within 90 days. The proportion of health centers with functioning health center management committees increased from 64% in 2017 to 75% in 2018.

  • From 2016–18, 775 children from floating villages were enrolled in community-based schools. 7,258 children were enrolled in home-based schooling and 6,078 parents were participating in this program.

  • In 2017–18, 19,760 students were benefited from a secondary education improvement project—with women accounting for 77.6%—and 100% of schools conducted teacher assessment based on an established professional standard.


  • From 2014–18, the yield of maize per hectare was increased from 1.5 tons to 3.8 tons, while the yield of cassava per hectare was 22.7 tons, up from eight tons. From 2017–18, the volume of maize sold was increased by 8,298 tons, and sorghum by 8,231 tons.

  • From 2014–18, 186 post-harvest processing facilities were constructed and/or rehabilitated benefiting 139,945 people, of whom 36% were women.

  • From 2014–18, 15,020 farmers adopted improved agricultural technology. During the same period, 7.5 million tons of cassava cuttings and 10,500 tons of bio-fortified cassava varieties were distributed. 7,396 women benefited from labor-saving technologies and equipment. 912 farms adopted bio-fortified varieties.

  • From 2016–18, 290,348 children were immunized, and 2.1 million women and children received basic nutrition services, and 319,912 health consultations were provided to the poor and vulnerable at free of charge.

  • From 2016–18, 2.7 million people received essential health and nutrition services, of whom 1.5 million were women. In 2018, 49.3% of births in the Northern and East regions were attended by a skilled professional, up from 37.6% in 2016.

Central African Republic

  • From 2017–18, 63,250 displaced people benefited from safety net programs, of whom 60% were women. 8,250 households benefited from cash transfers and 12,650 people were provided with access to basic services and infrastructure.

  • From 2012–18, 4.6 million pregnant women and women with children benefited through better utilization of maternal and child health services. 140,894 births were attended by a trained professional in a health facility in 2018, up from 26,500 in 2012. During the same period, 81,301 children were immunized, up from 31,360.

  • In 2018, 2.9 million people were provided access to basic health, nutrition, or reproductive health services, up from 400,000 in 2012. During the same time, 355,839 mothers received two doses of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria during their last pregnancy, up from 1,312 in 2012.

  • A public expenditure reform project improved timely submission of annual financial statements and budget reporting. The 2017 financial statements were submitted on time in April 2018. Budget execution reports were published on a quarterly basis for 2017–18.

  • From 2016–18, 100,830 days of temporary work were generated benefiting 37,000 people, with women accounting for 27%. 57 new culverts were constructed, and 25 existing culverts were rehabilitated, 12 bridges were rehabilitated, and 63 kilometers of ditches along roadways were constructed.


  • From 2013–18, 371,917 primary school children benefited from improved learning and teaching conditions, of whom 43% were girls.

  • In 2018, 6,383 companies registered through a single window facility, up from 3,000 in 2014 and 39 customs officers and inspectors were trained in areas such as customs valuation, rules of origin, and risk management.

  • From 2014–18, 50 Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the meat value chain and dairy subsector were supported through matching grant program, of which more than USD 769,534 was contributed by the private sector. 416 workers received training to improve their performance and product quality.

  • From 2014–18, 56,681 people received essential health, nutrition, and population services. 21,600 children were immunized, and 21,131 women and children received basic nutrition services. In 2018, 16,950 births were attended by a skilled health professional.

  • From 2014-18, 13,000 girls benefited from school fees and supplies, food, housing, and academic support. In three regions, Lac, Kanem, and Salamat, girls attending secondary school increased by 23%. 397 safe spaces were created for adolescent girls.

  • From 2014-18, 168 women received training in renewable energy sources and 112 women were trained in the operation and maintenance of heavy agricultural machinery.


  • From 2015–18, 4,217 people benefited through cash-for-work, food-for-work, and public works programs, of whom 68% were women.

  • From 2015–18, a safety net program generated 641,456 days of work, 69 poor communities were provided with social safety net and nutrition services access, and 106 health workers were trained in infant and young child feeding (IYCF) skills.

  • From 2015–18, 26,936 pregnant, lactating women, adolescent girls, and children under age five were reached by basic nutrition services. 5,945 children under age two benefited from improved IYCF practices.

Congo, Democratic Republic of

  • From 2015–18, 110,217 students benefited from revised math and science curricula. 5,851 teachers received summer intensive in-service training and 15,987 handbooks were distributed to secondary school math and science teachers.

  • From 2015–18, 4,700 ex-combatants were demobilized and trained through a reintegration program. 3,786 ex-combatants finished their general and vocational training and were successfully reintegrated back into their communities.

  • Living Peace Institute, with IDA’s support, delivered training to 50 outreach officers in the National Program for Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration and promoted awareness of the psychosocial and mental health needs of the ex-combatants.

  • From 2014–18, 970,204 people from communities affected by forced displacement benefited from a livelihood support program, of whom 48.9% were women. 1,532 people benefited through cash-for-work, food-for-work, and public works programs. 581,715 days of work were generated, of which 269,800 days were for women.

  • Airport infrastructure investments helped Goma international airport attract 302,548 passengers in 2017, up from 140,000 in 2014.

  • From 2016–18, 1.8 million people received essential health, nutrition, and population services; 319,681 children were immunized; and 717,011 women and children received basic nutrition services. During the same period, 434,307 births were attended by a skilled health professional. 60% of pregnant women were counseled and tested for HIV in 2018, up from 17.5% in 2014.

Congo, Republic of

  • From 2010–18, 1.1 million people in Brazzaville and Pointe Noire benefited from water, electricity, and urban development project. 331,710 people were provided with access to improved water sources and 259,340 people benefited from improved drainage and access to all-season roads.

  • From 2013–18, 328 youths received school-based skills training and 692 youths enrolled in apprenticeships that improved job and entrepreneurship skills. 479 microentrepreneurs enrolled in a pilot skills training program.

  • In 2017, 1.9 million people benefited from a health project, up from 900,000 in 2015, of whom 1.5 million were women. 89,118 children were immunized in 2017, up from 47,000 in 2015.

  • 67.7% of pregnant women received at least three antenatal care visits before delivery in 2017, up from 31% in 2015. 20.5% of children between 6 and 59 months of age received nutritional services in 2017, up from 10% in 2015. Percentage of women counseled and tested for HIV was 76.7% in 2017, up from 15% in 2015.

Côte d’Ivoire

  • From 2012–18, 1,140 kilometers of rural roads were rehabilitated, benefiting 1.4 million people. During the same period, 22,588 households received piped water connections.

  • 53,489 youths benefited from employment skills training program in 2018, up from 25,422 in 2014. 62% of participants were employed or self-employed within six months of training.

  • 10,433 youths were enrolled in temporary apprenticeship program in 2018. 92% of youth completed the training in 2018, up from 76% in 2016. 52% were employed or self-employed within six months of training. 14,959 youths received entrepreneurship training program in 2018, up from 11,248 in 2015.

  • From 2015–18, 2.5 million days of labor-intensive public works were generated and resulted in 3,491 kilometers of roads rehabilitated in 2018, up from 2,537 in 2014.

  • From 2012–18, 3.9 million people were provided with improved access to basic infrastructure in urban and rural areas through an emergency infrastructure project. 3.7 million people in urban areas were provided with access to all-season roads within a 500-meter range, up from 3.1 million in 2012. 1.4 million people in targeted rural areas benefited from access to an all-season road in 2018, up from 170,000 in 2012.

  • From 2013–18, 47,881 hectares of village plantations were using improved planting material and 222,684 cocoa farmers were trained in good agricultural practices, benefiting 170,984 people.

  • From 2015–18, 143,151 births were delivered at a health facility and attended by a trained health professional. 9,045 severely malnourished children were identified and treated. 371,640 women received antenatal care during a visit to a health provider.

  • In 2018, 100% of the children were vaccinated against diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough.

  • From 2015–18, 4.9 million people were provided with access to a basic package of health, nutrition, or reproductive health services, and 97 health facilities were constructed or renovated.



  • From 2014–18, 1.9 million people received essential health services, of whom 190,385 were women. 92,363 women and children received basic nutrition services.

  • From 2014–18, 96,362 pregnant and lactating women, adolescent girls, and children under age 5 received basic nutrition services, up from 7,117, and 69,492 women received antenatal care, up from 6,100. During the same period, 24,023 women gave birth attended by a qualified health practitioner, up from 1,026. 78.5% of children were fully immunized before their first birthday in 2018, up from 33% in 2012.


  • From 2014-19, 26,098 people were provided with resilient infrastructure to reduce vulnerability to natural hazards and climate change impacts. For example, water storage capacity increased by 136,387 liters in project areas and 25% of east coast roads damaged during Hurricane Maria are now rated to be in good or excellent condition. In addition, staff from 11 government agencies were trained to make climate-risk informed decisions to reduce vulnerability to climate change.



  • From 2012–18, 15,525 women successfully completed training in technical, vocational, and entrepreneurship and their average yearly earnings increased by 28%.

  • From 2017–18, eight million people in rural areas benefited from a safety net program, of whom 51% were women.

  • From 2016–18, 448,885 people benefited from a safety net project that generated 2.2 million days of work. During the same period, 35,000 people received guidance on job opportunities.

  • In 2018, 2,554 trainees received soft-skills training and over 70% were recruited by factories in Bole Lemi-I industrial park.

  • From 2014–18, 3.3 million people in rural areas of Ethiopia were provided with access to improved water sources.

  • From 2014–18, 117 million textbooks and teachers’ guides were developed, printed, and distributed to primary and secondary schools under an education quality improvement program. 321,596 primary and secondary teachers took licensing exams in 2018, up from 30,256 in 2014.

  • 18,347 teachers upgraded from diploma to post-graduate diploma in teaching in 2018, up from 652 in 2014. 25.9 million students benefited from an enhanced learning method in 2018, five million more than in 2014.

  • 855,377 hectares of degraded communal land were sustainably revived through landscape management practices in 2018, up from 304,589 hectares in 2013. 95,247 hectares were restored or reforested/ afforested, up from 36,195 hectares in 2013. During the same period, 3.9 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent were captured incrementally in the restored areas.

  • 5.1 million pastoralists were provided with access to community demand-driven social and economic services in 2018, up from 1.9 million in 2014. 2.2 million people in rural areas were provided with access to improved water sources in 2018, up from 800,000 in 2014.

  • A women entrepreneurship project increased the earnings and employment of Micro and Small Enterprise (MSE) owned or partly owned by female entrepreneurs. Yearly average business earnings were USD 3,398 in 2018, up from USD 2,414 in 2012. The number of hours worked for MSE per week was 295 hours in 2018 up from 179 in 2012.

  • A national open-data portal was launched in March 2016, with 29 datasets published in an open data format. With IDA’s support, consultation workshops with over 200 government and nongovernment representatives were conducted in 2018 on the draft open data policy guidelines.

  • Ethiopia’s Central Statistical Authority’s (CSA) capacity to produce and disseminate reliable, accessible and timely statistics were enhanced. 94% of users were satisfied with the timely accessibility of official statistics methodologies. In 2018, 1,147 staff from CSA were trained on areas of organizational management and statistics, and 377 staff were trained on areas of statistical data production. 2,863 staff, of whom 698 were women, were trained in specialized quality assurance topics, poverty mapping techniques, and gender analysis of household surveys.

  • From 2014–18, 3.5 million people in rural areas and 338,490 people in urban areas were provided with access to improved water sources. 16,000 improved community water points were constructed or rehabilitated.


The Gambia

  • 71,743 births were attended by a skilled health professional in 2018, up from 8,885 in 2013. Increased utilization of maternal and child health services provided 411,577 children between 6 and 59 months with Vitamin A supplements in 2017, up from 70,000 in 2014.
  • 168,110 pregnant women received iron and folic acid (IFA) supplements in 2017, up from 9,000 in 2014. During the same period, 804,189 women and children received basic nutrition services, up from 90,000 in 2014.
  • A commercial agriculture and value chain project increased the rice yield from 2 tons/hectare in 2014 to 4.7 tons/hectare in 2018 and vegetable yield/ hectare from 6 tons in 2014 to 9.4 tons in 2018. During the same period, improved market access for small landholders increased the volume of rice sales by 6,500 tons and benefited 24,990 households.
  • From 2014–17, 793 farmers were trained in good agricultural practices and 176 entrepreneurs were trained in management skills, such as financial administration, business planning, and marketing.


  • From 2010–18, 13.6 million days of employment were provided to a total of 167,235 workers, of whom 65% were women.

  • From 2016–18, 467 hectares of agricultural land received improved irrigation and drainage services. From 2012–18, the storage capacity of grains was increased by 15,340 metric tons.

  • From 2011–16, a 135% increase in investments by enterprises through a skills and technology project benefited 104,832 people.

  • The Ghana Statistical Services’ (GSS) capacity was enhanced in the production and dissemination of timely and robust data. 94.5% of users were satisfied with the timely accessibility of official statistics methodologies in 2018, up from 40% in 2011. GSS staff with professional qualifications increased to 67.2% in 2018, up from 39% in 2011.

  • eTransform Ghana improved the efficiency and coverage of government service delivery using information and communication technologies. The number of days required to get a birth certificate decreased from 15 in 2013 to 7 days in 2018. The number of days required to process a company’s registration decreased to 2 in 2018 from 4 in 2013.

  • In 2018, 15 new online e-Services were available to the public, up from eight in 2013 and the number of published datasets increased to 147 in 2018 from 100 in 2013. 18.5 million pages of government records were digitized in 2018, up from 17.5 million pages in 2013.

  • From 2013–18, 94,786 teachers and students benefited from improved online access to educational materials.

  • The Ghana Climate Innovation Center was created to support entrepreneurs and SMEs to develop profitable and locally-appropriate solutions to climate change. From 2016–18, targeted firms involved in climate technology sector increased sales revenue by USD 796,613 and 41,512 households have access to new and improved products and services. 21 firms have access to finance through the Ghana Climate Venture Facility.


  • From 2013–18, three water storage tanks were constructed increasing water storage capacity by 550,000 gallons.

  • From 2013–18, a new targeting tool for conditional cash transfers contributed to an increase in the share of poor households receiving cash, up from 67% to 82%.

  • Regulatory reforms under a development policy credit have increased tourism receipts by over 45%, from 2013–17.


  • From 2017–18, 708,684 people benefited from a community-supported project that strengthened the local government and improved service delivery in rural communities, of whom 43% were women.

  • 44.282 births were attended by a skilled health professional in 2018, up from 27,227 in 2016. 66% of children (0-11 months) were fully vaccinated, up from 57% in 2016.

  • From 2012–18, a governance project strengthened key institutions for managing the minerals sector. 100% of mines were subjected to annual technical inspections, fiscal controls, and environmental monitoring inspections. During the same period, 5,150 people were trained in updated environmental legislation related to mining operation. In 2018, 83% of public contracts were procured through open competition, up from 15% in 2012.

  • From 2013–18, 438,501 people benefited from a safety net program. During the same period, 1.7 million days of work benefited 51,318 people.

  • From 2012–18, 3,235 people and 14,446 children benefited from a conditional cash transfer program. 98% of the beneficiaries complied with conditions for receiving cash, and an electronic beneficiary registration system was in place to conduct rapid annual beneficiary satisfaction surveys.

  • Improved technical performance of the national power utility benefited 1.9 million people in 2018, up from 1.4 million in 2014, of whom 52% were women. The average daily hours of service increased to 18 in 2018, from 12 in 2014. During the same period, annual electricity losses decreased from 42% to 32%.

  • Allocation of the national health budget increased to 6.7% of GDP in 2017 from 2.5% in 2015. During the same period, 3,830 health care workers were recruited in 2017, up from 100 in 2015.

  • 300 companies participated in the EITI process (Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative) in 2017, up from 27 in 2015. During the same period, 68 procurement contracts were audited, and a comprehensive report on State-Owned Enterprises was updated on an annual basis and made available to the public.

  • From 2017–18, 207 new health workers were recruited and in service and 925 health workers were trained. During the same period, 21,537 people benefited through nutrition, parenting, and early learning services.

  • From 2015–18, 142,340 people received essential health, nutrition, and population services. During the same period, 530 newly trained community health workers were engaged in health promotion and basic service delivery. 99% of the health facilities reported health management data on time in 2018.


  • From 2010–18, 169,684 people benefited from a rural community-driven development project, of whom 49.5% were women.
  • From 2009–18, 12,452 students were enrolled in a new or rehabilitated classroom and 70,267 people were provided with access to an all-season new or rehabilitated road.
  • From 2014–18, 346 community health agents received training on Ebola prevention.
  • The basic systems for public finance were strengthened and timely reporting of budget execution reduced from 48 months in 2015 to 12 months in 2018. Reforms in tax collection increased the number of people pay taxes from 10,399 in 2017 to 15,917 in 2018.The number of steps for import and export reduced from 26 in 2017 to 9 in 2018.
  • From 2014–18, 42,000 people benefited from enhanced water services under an emergency water and electricity services upgrading project. During the same period, 30,900 people benefited from enhanced electricity services.
  • From 2014–18, 50.4 kilometers of water distribution lines were constructed or rehabilitated, and 10,035 water meters were installed.


  • From 2014-18, 47,638 people were provided with new or improved irrigation and drainage services, of whom 51% were women. During the same time, 5,000 hectares of land was protected against the breach of the East Demerara Water Conservancy dam, benefiting 70,000 people. A three-kilometer length of the dam wall was upgraded, and its drainage capacity increased by 5 cubic meters per second.



  • The share of pregnant women receiving prenatal care increased from 25% to 31% and fully vaccinated children under-five went up from 41% to 50%, from 2015–17.

  • From 2015–17, 437,000 children under two years old were fully immunized and the medical cold chain for the entire southern region in the wake of Hurricane Matthew was reestablished.

  • From 2017–18, 270,000 people benefited from improved and safer water resources by the construction and rehabilitation of water pipes.

  • From 2012–18, 430,000 buildings were assessed for structural damage, and over 700,000 m3 (cubic meter) of rubble was processed. Major flooding was prevented in earthquake-affected areas by cleaning of canals in Port-au-Prince. More than 70 engineers and 16,000 masons were trained on paraseismic and paracyclonic construction.

  • From 2014–16, 20 classrooms were constructed in rural areas previously deprived of schools, which allowed over 7,000 students to enroll annually in 61 rural and remote community-based schools.

  • From 2011–17, 480,000 tuition waivers and daily hot meals were provided to under-served students and 460,000 students in 450 schools were provided with vitamin A, while 240,000 out-of-school children were brought back to schools.

  • From 2013-18, 214,893 people benefited from the strengthened capacity for disaster risk management at the municipal and national level, including training in drafting disaster management plans for 550 municipal staff. More than 90% percent of the beneficiaries were satisfied with the national government’s preparation for future disasters.


  • 120 municipal staff were trained in disaster risk management and climate change adaptation, 20 working sessions were organized to integrate gender issues into disaster risk management action plans, three flood simulation drills were conducted, and 13 flood and landslide mitigation projects were completed from 2013 to 2015.
  • From 2013 to 2015, 14,388 people in targeted neighborhoods, including more than 8,000 women, participated in programs to prevent violence as part of efforts to create safer communities in Honduras. The project is supporting nine initiatives that address psychosocial support, violence prevention, and community based interventions.
  • The government of Honduras improved its score on Transparency International’s Open Budget Index from 11 (out of 100 possible points) in 2011 to 42 in 2015. The improvement reflects the government’s efforts to make more budget information available to the public.



  • In 2018, three million Nairobi residents benefited from improved street lighting, pedestrian walkways, improved sanitation facilities, and fire stations.

  • From 2016–18, 1,041 youths received a startup grant and 2,600 received life skills, technical, entrepreneurship training, and internships. During the same period, 328 craftsmen obtained master craftsman certification.

  • From 2010–18, 49,180 people living in 86 informal settlements were benefited from enhanced tenure security. During the same period, 526,000 people in informal settlements were provided with improved drainage services and 226,000 people in urban settlements were provided with access to improved water sources.

  • 4.5 million people benefited from Kenya’s national safety net program for the poor and vulnerable in 2018, up from 1.7 million in 2013.

  • From 2012–18, 85,900 people living in Nairobi benefited from improved access to a commuter rail station. During the same period, 239,120 people living in urban areas were provided with access to improved water sources.

  • 1.3 million people benefited from improved judicial services in 2018, up from 157,000 in 2012, of whom women were 25%.

  • From 2012–18, a backlog of 14,458 court cases were resolved. The average time to dispose a case was reduced to 10 months in 2018 from 15 months in 2012. In 2018, 97% of courts submitted monthly court data, up from 50% in 2015.

  • From 2017–18, Kenya’s infrastructure market mobilized USD 98.3 million in private capital. Regulations associated with a new law on public-private partnership (PPP) were agreed to with the Ministry of Finance. From 2017–18, 22 feasibility studies were approved by the PPP committee.

  • In 2018, 592 staff from petroleum sector institutions were trained to regulate, manage, and monitor compliance in the sector. Five public agencies were engaged in transparency and community monitoring and were trained on transparency monitoring across the extractive sector value chain.

  • From 2014–18, 43 staff from various government agencies were trained in comprehensive analysis of the Global Oil and Gas Fiscal Systems.

  • 63% of births were attended by a skilled health professional in 2018, up from 57% in 2016. 48% of pregnant women attended at least four antenatal care visits in 2018, up from 40% in 2015.

  • From 2016–18, 3.6 million people received essential health, nutrition, and population services, 1.9 million children were immunized, and 1.7 million births were attended by a skilled professional.

  • 177,895 households in slums and other informal settlements across Kenya were connected to safe, reliable and affordable electricity in 2017, up from 5,000 in 2014.

  • 4.5 million people, of whom 2.3 million were women, benefited from Kenya’s national safety net program for the poor and vulnerable in 2018, up from 1.7 million in 2013. During the same period, 1.2 million people benefited from a cash transfer program, up from 114,384. 100% of the payments were made electronically using two-factor authentication in 2018, up from 56.3% in 2013.


  • From 2014-18, Kosovo reduced 1,043 tons of fossil fuel used for heating public buildings and saved 264.8 MWh of energy consumption. During the same time, 7,472 people benefited through energy efficiency and renewable energy investments, which prevented 4,699 metric tons CO2 from entering atmosphere.

  • From 2014-18, 4,358 health personnel were trained on a newly developed health insurance scheme, which improved financial protections for the poor and quality of care for maternal and child health services. 349,711 patients benefited from the health insurance scheme and 65.8% of patients using primary health care facilities were satisfied with services.

Kyrgyz Republic

  • From 2014–18, 496 private veterinarians received 7,885 days of training. 70% of farmers were satisfied with the quality of services provided by the private veterinarians.

  • From 2013–18, 506,089 hectares of land were provided with irrigation and drainage services, benefiting 2.8 million people.

  • In 2017, 1,698 villages were provided with improved social and economic infrastructure, up from 1,000 in 2007.

  • The Ala Too Bulagy (national rural water and sanitation) program introduced metered household water connections with 24-hour supply that were managed by local service providers. In 2018, 2,000 people in a village received running water.

  • From 2016–18, 38,000 smart electricity meters were installed to accurately read electricity usage and reduce network losses. Three distribution substations improved the quality of electricity supply in Bishkek. 217,000 customers have benefited from the investments made under the electricity supply and reliability improvement project.

  • From 2008–14, 430,000 hectares of pasture were improved through the community investment in bridges, tracks, and watering points. Reforms in pasture management were supported with the establishment of 454 pasture users unions.

  • In 2018, 680,000 people benefited from improved or rehabilitated roads, cross-border trade with Tajikistan, and new job opportunities in Batken Oblast. Two weigh-in-motion systems were introduced along major international corridors that addressed vehicle overloading, prevented damage to roads, and improved traffic safety.


Lao, People’s Democratic Republic

  • The percentage of children aged 3-5 in targeted villages enrolled in an early childhood education program increased to 78.3% in 2018 from 12% in 2016. During the same period, 67% of children aged 5 enrolled in an early childhood education program, up from 11% in 2016.

  • From 2014–18, 462 fully furnished pre-primary classrooms were provided with water and sanitation facilities, and 25,111 students received meals prepared at school. During the same period, 48,213 people directly benefited from this project, with women making up 46% of the beneficiaries.

  • The conservation of nationally protected areas and enforcement of wildlife laws were strengthened. Lao PDR’s score on Protected Area Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool (METT) increased to nine, on a scale of 10, in 2018 from zero in 2016.

  • In 2018, 12 wildlife trafficking cases involving CITES1 (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) species were referred to national and/or provincial public prosecutors and 68 wildlife trafficking cases involving CITES1 and non-CITES listed species were opened for investigation.

  • From 2014–18, 181 kilometers of distribution lines were rehabilitated, and 16,436 people received power from an efficient and reliable distribution service. During the same period, annual electricity losses were reduced from 24% to 19%. In 2018, 63,496 people benefited from improved efficiency and reliability of power distribution in project areas.

  • From 2014–18, 175 SMEs benefited from USD 10.7 million in long-term financing provided through participating commercial banks. 75 staff from Department for Small and Medium Enterprise Promotion (DOSMEP) were trained in public policies that promote access to finance for SMEs through a capacity building component of this project.

  • From 2010–17, improvements on 171 kilometers of two national roads in Lao reduced travel times by 50% and 72%, respectively. During the same period, 813 kilometers of rural roads and 366 kilometers of non-rural roads were rehabilitated, and 1,600 kilometers of provincial roads were maintained.

  • From 2015–18, 255,424 births were attended by a skilled health practitioner at home or at a health facility and 261,094 children aged between 6 and 11 months received the first dose of Vitamin A. From 2017–18, 155,554 children were immunized.

  • In 2018, 79,662 pregnant women attended four or more antenatal care visits, up from 54,802 in 2014, and 235,872 women received free maternity health care services, up from 47,066 in 2014. From 2014–18, 672,072 people received essential health, nutrition, and population services.


  • From 2009–18, 530,000 people were provided with potable water through a pipeline and 400 community water points were constructed or rehabilitated. During the same period, 24 kilometers of water pipeline was laid.

  • From 2012–18, 74,224 smallholder farming households benefited through diversification and commercialization of horticulture and animal husbandry. 39,369 days of training were provided under a competitive grants program. 89% of the targeted beneficiaries satisfied with the improved performance of agricultural service providers in 2018, up from 15% in 2012.

  • From 2017–18, 14 of Lesotho’s lowest-performing schools were awarded grants to improve their learning environment and increase student retention. 65 secondary education teachers were trained in mathematics and science, while 424 were trained in the national curriculum. 65,500 teachers, administrators, and students were benefited in 2018.


  • From 2017–18, 740,000 people in urban areas were provided with access to regular solid waste collection and 134,784 tons of waste was collected.

  • From 2012–18, 5,843 hectares of smallholder tree crop farms were rehabilitated or planted: new planting accounted for 530 hectares, 1,214 hectares were replanted, and 4,189 hectares were rehabilitated. Access to technologies and markets were enhanced and a long-term development program for the tree crops sector was created.

  • 1.9 million people received essential health, nutrition, and population services in 2017, up from 1.3 million in 2013.

  • From 2013–18, 17,200 people were provided with access to electricity by household connections. 45 kilometers of transmission lines and 50 kilometers of distribution lines were constructed or rehabilitated.

  • From 2015–18, 7,224 benefited from safety net programs; 3,612 rural youths completed life skills training, and 105,360 days of public works were generated. During the same period, 786 youths were recruited from 10 urban communities in Montserrado county and were provided with entrepreneurship training and start-up grants to initiate or expand household enterprises. 100% of the targeted urban youths have developed business plans during entrepreneurship training.



  • From 2014–18, 23,554 jobs were created, and 15,005 businesses were registered, resulting in an increase of USD 5.7 billion in annual municipal revenues.

  • From 2013–18, 9.2 million people benefited from an infrastructure program, which generated 3.1 million days of employment. During the same period, 984 cash-for-work subprojects were completed, and 101,237 rural people gained access to an all-season road.

  • From 2015–18, 757,317 rural poor benefited from a safety net project, of whom 78% were women. 791 hectares of land was re/afforested through productive safety net activities.

  • From 2015–18/19, 101,010 pregnant and lactating women, adolescent girls, and children under age five were provided with basic nutrition services.

  • 313,417 taxpayers were registered in 2018, up from 200,000 in 2016. During the same period, recovery of revenue was increased from 30% to 43.4%.

  • 30,851 formal jobs were created in 2018, up from 4,346 in 2014 in targeted areas. The tourism sector accounted for 4,043 jobs, up from 690 in 2014, and agribusiness accounted for 7,715 jobs in 2018, up from 1,089 in 2014. 18,018 businesses were registered in 2018, up from 3,259 in 2014.

  • From 2015–2018/19, 31,250 people benefited from cash-for-work, food-for-work, and public works programs. 3.9 million days of employment were generated under cash-for-work activities.


  • From 2013–18, 10,550 students benefited from a skills development program, of whom 30% were women.
  • From 2015–18, 985,635 people benefited from a public works program created after the 2015 floods. During the same period, 129,455 people benefited through social cash transfer, 123,003 people were trained on livelihood development activities, and 208,753 people restored their agricultural livelihoods sustainably after the 2015 floods.
  • From 2016–18, 5.3 million people living in communities that were affected by drought were provided with improved access to food, and 87,750 households received support to restore their livelihoods. During the same period, 7,551 people were provided with improved irrigation schemes and 39,000 cattle were vaccinated.
  • From 2015–18, 74 primary schools were reconstructed or restored, five health facilities were rehabilitated, and 18 kilometers of roads were reconstructed to improved standards for protection against floods.
  • From 2013–18, 5,634 rural youths were trained in a skilled trade, 78% of trainees passed their annual assessment, and 86% of trainees graduated.


  • From 2014–18, 22,718 out-of-school youth were enrolled in a skills training program, 4,858 were enrolled in apprenticeship, and 654 completed business plans under an entrepreneurship program.

  • From 2013–18, 73,736 people in rural areas received access to electricity through renewable energy sources, which prevented 2,008 tons of greenhouse gas from entering atmosphere.

  • From 2014–18, 34,230 youth aged between 15–35 years were trained through a skills development program, of whom 32% were women.

  • From 2014–18, 71,478 households, representing 405,862 people, benefited from direct cash transfers, of whom 50% were women and children.

  • From 2013–18, 120 local governments and 1.1 million people benefited from rehabilitated local infrastructure. 1,559 classrooms, 247 health facilities, 179 water supply systems, and 45 kilometers of roads were rehabilitated.

  • From 2013–18, 1,820 households were provided with alternative livelihood activities relating to sustainable land and water management practices. 7,118 sessions were organized to provide information on climate hazards and adaptation options.

  • From 2013–18, 20,000 m3 (cubic meters) of water storage was added to services in Bamako. During the same period, 13.5 kilometers of distribution pipes and 124.3 kilometers of transmission pipes were constructed.

  • An agriculture competitiveness project increased the output volume of processed mango from 600 tons/year in 2016 to 15,280 tons/year in 2018/19. The volume of processed feed was increased from 147,565 tons/year in 2016 to 350,000 tons/year in 2018.

  • In 2018, 121 new programs were developed for higher education institutions, up from 45 in 2015. 29,675 students were enrolled in accredited programs in 2018, up from 10,000 in 2015. During the same period, 982 teachers were trained at participating institutions, up from 120 in 2015.

  • From 2013–17, an emergency safety net project reduced poverty among beneficiary households by 21%. 67,845 families, representing 390,465 people, received quarterly cash transfer. During the same period, 105,000 people received nutritional supplements, of whom 70% were children.

  • From 2013–17, 10,000 households were supported through income-generating activities, such as processing agricultural products, livestock farming, and market gardening. The beneficiaries were provided with access to free health care through a national medical insurance scheme.


  • From 2015–18, 29,853 households, representing 197,030 people, benefited from a social cash transfer program, of whom 88% were women. During the same period, 102,300 households registered in a national registry improving their access to targeted cash transfer for poor and vulnerable.

  • From 2014–18, 13 middle schools and 52 lower secondary schools were built for girls and 366,338 primary school teachers were trained; 445,437 study kits were printed and distributed to students in grades 4 and 5. During the same period, 50% of the girls continued from primary to lower secondary education.

  • From 2016–18, USD 49.8 million in investments were generated from private investors to promote sustainable management of fisheries. Fresh fish exports had risen to 7,086 tons as of early 2019, up from 936 tons in 2016.


  • From 2014–18, 1,950 kilometers of fiber-optic cable connected the Micronesian states of Chuuk and Yap, and Yap to the neighboring country of Palau. During the same period, Internet bandwidth increased from a mere 38 Mbps to 3,500 Mbps.


  • From 2014–17, average annual lending to export-oriented enterprises increased by 34%. 88 sub-loans were disbursed from a line of credit, and 266 SMEs benefited from business development services.

  • From 2010–17, 2,700 teachers and 1,000 school managers were trained, and six hub schools were rehabilitated according to newly approved school standards. 65 rehabilitated kindergartens benefited 1,100 children, resulted in an enrollment increase from 77% to 82%. Preschool teachers in 950 institutions received teaching materials, and 260 mentors and 40 inspectors were trained to support 8,400 teachers.

  • From 2016–18, 29 permit documents were fully digitized and made available online. Permissive documents for customs clearance have been streamlined and were reduced to 150 from 420.

  • From 2016–18, 145 companies received matching grants for international quality certification, production upgrades, and business development. This resulted in 384 new jobs and increased exports.

  • The adoption of EU catalogs for seeds, fertilizers, and plant protection products allowed for better quality inputs, reduction in costs, and resulted in more competitive products. Over USD 21 million were provided as a line of credit to 108 direct and indirect exporters created 420 new jobs and new exports.


  • From 2015–18, 8,900 primary grade classrooms in 609 schools across the country were provided with Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) tool kits. Emphasis was placed on improving native language and mathematical skill, and teachers were trained in STEM subjects. The project also supported the Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) and the Early Grade Mathematics Assessment (EGMA) studies.

  • From 2013–17, 13,684 people benefited from a rural livelihood and food security program, of whom 44% were women. The average household income increased by 74% from livestock and 88% from horticulture products.


  • From 2003–18, 112,137 people in urban areas were provided with access to improved water sources. During the same period, 21,158 households were provided with new piped water connections.

  • From 2014–18, 1,728 jobs were created in conservation tourism benefiting 68,875 people, of whom 34% were women. During the same period, two million hectares of land were brought under biodiversity protection, and USD 4.5 million in income derived from tourism was returned to communities. Law enforcement patrols in selected conservation areas were increased from 5,523 in 2014 to 11,642 in 2018.

  • From 2015–18, one million people benefited from the restoration of critical infrastructure in a disaster-affected province. 11,700 children were provided with improved school infrastructure; 21,000 people were protected by 10.8 kilometers of rehabilitated dikes; 519,138 people were provided with food aid; and 146,248 people were provided with nutrition supplies.

  • From 2013–18, the accuracy of flood forecasts in the Zambezi and Limpopo river basins was increased by 65%, along with a 60% increase in the accuracy of temperature forecasts. 29 real-time hydrological monitoring stations were operating in 2018 increased, up from 8 in 2013. 60% of farmers were receiving daily weather forecasts and early warnings in 2018.

  • From 2013–18, 96,105 extremely poor households benefited from temporary income support. From 2017–18, 18,477 people were benefited from direct cash transfers. 80% of the people involved in public works received payments within a month of their labor in 2018. 5,043 urban and 57,994 rural people benefited from a public works program.

  • Mozambique strengthened the capacity of governance in mining and hydrocarbon sectors. In 2018, 16 mines and gas construction projects were subjected to annual technical inspections and seven mines were subjected to fiscal control. 2,322 people were benefited from this project, of whom 46% were women.

  • From 2012–18, 606,331 people benefited from enhanced municipal capacity for sustainable urban infrastructure and resilience to climate-related risks. 284,100 people benefited from rehabilitation of a stormwater drainage system.

  • From 2012–18, 4.8 million people benefited from reduced flooding or erosion through the sustainable land management of 2,674 hectares in Beira and Maputo. During the same period, 287,100 people benefited from flood management interventions, while 70% of dikes and levees were rehabilitated to withstand 50-year flooding of the Limpopo river.


  • From 2014–18, 192,586 students have received stipends, and 47,008 schools received grants to improve their services. 20,407 mentee teachers also received mentoring from 316 well-trained teachers.

  • From 2012–18, 6.9 million people benefited by a community-driven project that improved water supply and sanitation, rural roads, irrigation, power, health, and education. 60% of households in project villages participated in planning, decision-making, and implementation of sub-projects. 90% of the members were satisfied with the positive changes in their rural communities.

  • From 2012–18, 21,249 rural infrastructures were built using block grants. 387,272 people have used newly gained skills in project planning, financial management, and procurement. 1,328 government officials were trained in project management, engineering, and planning. During the same period, 17,505 (98.7%) grievances related to the delivery of services were addressed on time.

  • In 2018, a newly completed combined cycle gas turbine power plant reduced CO2 emissions per output generated by 400 gCO2eq/kWh.

  • From 2013–18, 130 MW of conventional thermal energy generation capacity was added to the national grid. In 2015, an IDA-supported national electrification project, had strengthened the institutional capacity of relevant agencies. In 2018, a newly completed combined cycle gas turbine power plant reduced CO2 emissions per output generated by 400 gCO2eq/kWh.

  • From 2013-18, 12 million people benefited from telecommunication sector reforms. Access to telephone services (fixed and mobile) increased to 108% from 10%, and access to Internet services went up from 2% to 91%. The number of licensed telecommunications operators also increased from one to 140 during this period.

  • Modernization of Myanmar’s public finance management (PFM) systems has increased tax revenue to GDP ratio to 10% in FY2018–19, up from 6.2% in FY2012–13. From 2013–18, 7,900 government staff benefited from training courses through PFM academy. Fiscal transparency was enhanced by the government’s commitment to publicly disclosing documents in line with global good practice.

  • From 2014–18, 192,586 students received stipends and 48,007 school heads received training in project implementation through an expanded school grants program. 9.7 million people were directly benefited through this program.

  • From 2015–18, 22,924 people were provided electricity with renewable off-grid or mini hydro sources, and 1.09 million people through hybrid solar mini-grid.

  • From 2015–18, 25,133 public lighting structures were installed. 22,430 connections were through off-grid or mini-grid and 2,703 though grid network. During the same period, 74.7 kilometers of distribution lines were constructed or rehabilitated 10,150 transformers were installed.

  • From 2015–18, 1.1 million people were provided with electricity through the household connection, 22,924 people through renewable off-grid or mini-hydro sources, and 1.09 million people through hybrid solar mini-grid. 548,052 of the beneficiaries were women. During the same period, 14,280 community electricity connections were made. Grid connections accounted for 122 and off-grid or mini-grid accounted for 7,931.

  • From 2014–18, 22,252 people benefited through increased crop yields and cropping intensity in selected existing irrigation site in Bago East, Nay Pyi Taw, Mandalay, and Sagaing regions. During the same period, 5,808 hectares were provided with irrigation and drainage services and 3,900 hectares of irrigable area rehabilitated.

  • From 2014–18, 6.5 million people received essential health, nutrition, and population (HNP) services. 4.2 million of the beneficiaries were women. During the same period, 2.1 million births were attended by a health practitioner and 2.3 million children were immunized.



  • From 2012–17, 85,106 farmers benefited from 30 new crop and livestock technologies and 6,580 field trials were conducted. 46,681 farmers increased their productivity implementing these new technologies.

  • From 2014–18, 338,610 people in rural areas and 179,639 people in the earthquake-affected areas were provided with improved access to water sources.

  • From 2012–18, 6.8 million people benefited from a community-driven project that improved water supply and sanitation, rural roads, irrigation, power, health, and education.

  • In 2016, 84% of all pregnant women received antenatal care from a skilled health provider, up from 59% in 2011. 58% of births in 2016 were attended by a skilled professional, up from 36% in 2011.

  • 80% of students completed primary education (grades 1-5) in Nepal in 2016-17, up from 58% in 2009.

  • In 2017, 73,392 youth were enrolled in short-term training, up from 8,390 in 2014. 71,486 youth completed the training in 2017, up from 7,864 in 2014. 70% of graduates were gainfully employed for at least six months after the training program, compared to 68% in 2014.

  • From 2015–18, 60,400 households (259,720 people) benefited from the reconstruction of their houses with an earthquake-resilient core housing method. During the same period, 9,319 artisans were trained in multi-hazard resistant construction, and 29 government officials were trained in disaster risk management.

  • From 2014–18, 1 GWh of off-grid biogas-based electricity was generated and 124 off-grid generation plants were created and operated. 473 proposal for construction of large biogas were submitted for investment.

  • From 2014–18, 472,002 people in rural areas were provided with access to improved water sources and 10,103 community water points were constructed or rehabilitated. 573 women groups were operating water supply schemes.

  • From 2013–18, the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology increased its financial sustainability to 69%, up from 40%. An information management system was in place to stream and archive agriculture relevant hydomet and agromet data. During the same period, 38 hydrological stations were installed, up from 10 in 2013.


  • From 2014–18, 168,000 people have gained access to a reliable water supply in urban areas, and more than 62,000 gained access to sanitation services. 5,984 beneficiaries gained sustainable access to water supply in rural areas and more than 3,230 people to safe sanitation services.
  • From 2012–18, 427,000 students received backpacks stocked with school supplies and shoes, which was an incentive for parents to keep their children in school. 2,400 schools were equipped with new furniture, and more than 230,000 primary level students received math, language, and literature textbooks.
  • From 2012–18, 675,000 people have gained property rights through improved land titling and registry services, of whom 50% were women. More than 95,605 families have received legal documents for their property.


  • From 2011–18/19, 893,500 people were provided with access to sustainable water services, of whom 52% were women.
  • From 2011–18, 3.1 million days of temporary employment were created, of which 1.1 million days were for women. During the same period, 233 community infrastructure sites were rehabilitated on average each year between 2011 and 2017.
  • From 2013–18, 9,211 youths were benefited from a skills development program, of whom 31% were women.
  • In 2018, 48% of births were attended by a skilled health professional, up from 25.6% in 2012.
  • Business environment reforms reduced the time to trade across borders from 64 days in 2011 to 13 days in 2018. Time to clear imported goods decreased from 64 days to 4 days, and time to clear exported goods decreased from 50 days to 4 days. Time to create a business decreased from 17 days in 2011 to 2 days in 2018.
  • From 2014–18, 3.8 million women and children were provided with basic health and nutrition services.
  • From 2013–18, 3,006 out of school youths were enrolled in a dual apprenticeship program. 680 youths completed on-demand technical training, 1,647 were trained in entrepreneurship, and 3,500 technical graduates were connected to potential employers. From 2016–18, 52% of vocationally trained youth were employed or self-employed.
  • Critical elements of investment climate for private sector and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) were improved. The number of days to settle a commercial case decreased from 545 in 2015 to 400 in 2018. The number of procedures to start a business decreased from 6 in 2015 to 2 in 2018.
  • From 2013–18, 1.1 million people benefited from flood protection and sustainable land and water management activities increasing their resilience against natural hazards.
  • 12,755 hectares of watershed area and 8,364 hectares of degraded land were protected or restored to reduce flood risks.
  • In 2018/19, 49.6% of farmers were receiving agricultural information through community rural radios and 33.4% of farmers were using climate information for their production.
  • From 2016–18/19, 15 communes developed integrated climate-smart investment plans, 58 field schools for farmers were created, and 8,390 hectares of land were put under sustainable land management practices.


  • From 2013–18, 58,961 youths, of whom 40% were female, received a cash payment in return for working in a public works program. During the same period, 25,000 women were trained in life skills training, 1,000 women graduated from internship programs, and 3,000 women were trained in vocational and entrepreneurial skills.

  • From 2016–18, 981,000 poor and vulnerable households received targeted cash transfers, of whom 92% were women.

  • In 2018, 1.7 million poor households in 4,051 communities benefited from improved social services, more than 10% of whom were internally displaced people in northeast Nigeria. From 2009– 18, 2,900 classrooms were built, and 1,214 health centers were built or rehabilitated, benefiting 3.04 million people.

  • Improved public expenditure management allowed some states to reduce the deviation of budgeted expenditure to 12% in 2018, down from 23.3% in 2011. 55% of public contracts were published on official state websites in 2018, up from 22.3% in 2011.

  • 1.9 million children under age two were immunized with a pentavalent vaccine in 2018, up from 270,644 children in 2008. 36.2 million children under age one were immunized with a pentavalent vaccine in 2018.

  • 620,440 births were attended by a skilled health professional in 2018, up from 76,960 in 2010. From 2010–18, 10 million people received basic health care, of whom 63% were women. During the same period, 10.9 million children under age five were treated as outpatients, up from 346,990 in 2010.

  • From 2013–18, six million people received basic nutrition services, of whom 3.3 million were women.

  • 97.7% of children were immunized with oral polio vaccine (OPV) in 2018, up from 91.8% in 2012. Nigeria achieved and sustained 80% coverage with OPV immunization and improved regular immunization. Since August 2016, there have been no cases of wild poliovirus.

  • 53,677 pregnant women living with HIV received a complete course of antiretroviral prophylaxis to reduce the risk of mother-to-child transmission in 2016, up from 26,133 in 2010. During the same period, 8,308 health facilities provided HIV counseling and testing services, up from 1,064.

  • 3,102 hectares of land were improved with irrigation and drainage services, benefiting 123,560 people in northern Nigeria in 2018. 186 staff were trained on dam safety and dam management, and 3,644 people adopted improved agriculture technology.



  • In 2018, 3.6 million pregnant or lactating women, adolescent girls, and children under age 5 received basic nutrition services in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region and 1.8 million pregnant women received iron and folic acid (IFA) supplements. From 2014–18, 1.1 million pregnant women in Balochistan province and 2.2 million pregnant women in Sindh province received IFA supplements.

  • In 2018, 11.4 million women received essential health, nutrition, and population services in Punjab province, up from 3.2 million in 2015. During the same period, 2.5 million births were delivered by a health professional, up from 1.8 million, and 2.5 million children were immunized, up from 1.4 million.

  • From 2016–18, 1.2 million people benefited from flood and drought mitigation activities in Sindh province, of whom 50% were women.

  • From 2009–17, 28.5 million people under a safety net program, The Benazir Income Support Program (BISP), were provided with income support in the form of predictable quarterly cash transfers. The amount of transfer went, up from USD 46 in 2009 to USD 75 in 2016.

  • In 2011, BISP rolled out a co-responsibility cash transfer program in 32 districts across all provinces, linking cash transfers to primary school education of the beneficiaries’ children. From 2011–17, 1.9 million children of BISP beneficiaries have been enrolled in the program.

  • From 2017–18, Punjab increased enrolments by one million students, from 11.3 to 12.3 million students. From 2016–18, 100,000 teachers were hired through a competitive, meritocratic hiring system that reduced the number of schools with fewer students than teachers from 23,000 down to 300.

  • A skills development program in Punjab trained 38,226 students in 2018 with market-relevant courses, up from 18,522 in 2014. From 2014–18, 15 institutions offered 15 computer-based training and 726 students graduated through this program. During the same period, 9 industry partnership agreement was signed, and 1,685 students benefited through this partnership. 47,866 students enrolled in market-relevant courses in 2018, up from 23,152 in 2014.

  • From 2015–18, 840,931 people benefited from restored flood embankments, of whom 425,527 were women. During the same period, 150 kilometers of embankments were rehabilitated or constructed. In 2018, 986,033 people at risk for disasters and climate vulnerability received early warning notifications through mobile short messaging service, up from 50,000 in 2015.

  • In Sindh province, public sector performance was strengthened through improved revenue generation and expenditure management. A tax reform plan was approved in 2015 and the sales tax on services increased to 27% in 2017 from 3.5% in 2014.

Papua New Guinea

  • 1.4 million people gained access to mobile phone services in rural Papua New Guinea from 2010–18. Mobile cellular subscriptions increased from 31 subscribers per 100 people in 2010 to 65 per 100 people in 2018. Internet usage in rural areas went up by 50%.

  • From 2011–18, 18,497 young people in Port Moresby have completed employment training, work placement activities, have opened new bank accounts, and undertaken 814,273 days of work. 425,388 days of work were completed by youth job corps and 341,911 days of work was completed through on-the-job-training. 2,852 youths graduated from on-the-job training with 83% of beneficiaries reporting increased knowledge, skills, and confidence to enter the labor market.

  • From 2010–18, 67,340 smallholder cocoa and coffee farmers improved their livelihoods through a project to help improve productivity, of whom 24,852 were women. Net incomes of smallholder cocoa growers increased to USD 2,048 in 2018 from USD 1,271 in 2012, while coffee growers’ net income increased to USD 3,513 in 2018, up from USD 2,000 in 2012.

  • From 2011–18, cocoa yield (kilograms/hectare) among beneficiaries increased to 728 metric tons from 169 metric tons, while coffee yield among beneficiaries increased to 566 metric tons from 382 metric tons. During the same period, 18,321 hectares of coffee and 3,746 hectares of cocoa were applying improved management practices.



  • From 2015–18, 64,862 people were provided with drainage services, of whom 52% were women. During the same period, 63 women participated in consultation activities during the project implementation.

  • From 2012–18, 270 kilometers of roads were rehabilitated, generating 4,145 jobs, and 164 kilometers of rural roads were maintained, creating 502 jobs. 374,000 people benefited from this project.

  • From 2016–18, 16,486 people in urban areas were provided with access to all-season roads, and 1,067 hectares of land area were provided with drainage services benefiting 28,720 people.

  • 49,209 people in urban areas were provided with access to all-season roads within a 500-meter range in 2018, up from 36,299 people in 2016. During the same period, 1,512 hectares of land were provided with drainage services and 28.2 kilometers of urban roads were rehabilitated or constructed.

  • 95.3% of government departments submitted monthly financial statements in 2017, up from 40% in 2014. 62.3% of ministries, departments, and agencies were using official statistics for analyses of current developments in 2017, up from 39% in 2014.

  • From 2014–17, 30 districts were using automated revenue collection system. During the same period, 96.9% of small and micro enterprise taxpayers filed their taxes using e-tax portal, up from 69.3% in 2014.

  • From 2009–18, 275,714 households were connected to an electricity grid. 7,135 kilometers of transmission and distribution lines were constructed, and 850 transformers were rehabilitated or replaced. During the same period, 1.3 million people were provided with new or improved electricity service, of whom 659,508 were women. 100% of the customers were using energy efficient light bulbs.

  • In 2018, 92.1% of the health centers and hospitals, 77.2% of schools, and 94.5% community centers were provided with better access to electricity.

  • Productivity in targeted irrigated hillside area increased to USD 5,639 per hectare in 2018, up from USD 492 in 2009. During the same period, the productivity of targeted non-irrigated hillside increased to USD 3,471 per hectare, up from USD 469 in 2009.

  • From 2009–18, 21,500 hectares of land area were treated with comprehensive land husbandry technologies and 2,788 hectares were irrigated. 310,058 people benefited through land husbandry and water harvesting.



  • From 2013–17, fruit and vegetable sales increased by 110% per farmer who participated in the IDA-funded Samoa Agricultural Competitiveness Enhancement Project.

  • From 2014–18, Samoa’s Faleolo International Airport improved operational safety and oversight of international air transport and associated infrastructure. The air traffic management was modernized, and communications and navigation equipment have been upgraded.

  • In 2016, VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) antenna and ADS-B (Automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast) ground station were installed for tracking aircraft and two new fire rescue vehicles were purchased.


  • From 2013–17, 275,605 women received antenatal care and 2.3 million people received health, nutrition, and population services.

  • From 2011–18, 155,397 births were delivered by a skilled healthcare professional and two million poor people were provided with basic health and nutrition services.

  • From 2009–18, 3,200 women were trained in sustainable charcoal production techniques, which increased their revenue and improved their family’s living conditions. During the same period, the project distributed 306,253 improved stoves benefiting mostly women.

  • From 2013–2018, 371,860 households benefited from the construction of 736 kilometers of electricity transmission and distribution lines. 8.9 million people were benefited from improved reliability of electricity services, up from 6.1 million people in 2012.

  • From 2013–18, 4,590 students were enrolled in improved science and technical programs and 651 youths graduated from short-term skills development courses.

  • From 2016–18, 2,151 businesses and entrepreneurs received growth acceleration training, which generated 220 jobs.

  • From 2016–18, 352 youths benefited during the development of the interurban road infrastructure in the Greater Dakar Area.

  • 1,740 months of work were generated from the 32 kilometers of rural roads that were rehabilitated in 2018.

  • From 2009–18, the national budget credibility, transparency, and accountability mechanisms were enhanced and 3,325 staff from various ministries and departments were trained in Public Finance Management. The World Bank’s Debt Management Performance Assessment indicator increased from D+ to A in 2018.

  • The timeline for completion of the annual external audits of government budget at the end of fiscal year was reduced to 10 months in 2018 from 36 in 2011. Annual performance reports of five key ministries (Energy, Agriculture, Infrastructure, Basic Education, and Health) were published in 2018 for the first time.

  • From 2012–18, 144,000 people benefited from reduced flood risks in the peri-urban areas of Dakar, of whom 74,800 were women. During the same period, 744 hectares of land were protected against recurrent floods through drainage works.

  • From 2012–18, 83,296 people were consulted through community engagement on an urban flood risk reduction and adaptation to climate change project.

  • From 2016–18, 531 people were trained in flood risk management, urban climate change resilience, and urban planning. From 2015–18, 180,000 people in urban areas were provided with access to improved water sources and 31,010 people were provided with access to improved sanitation facilities. During the same period, 20,000 households received piped water connections and 53 kilometers of feeder pipes were installed.

Sierra Leone

  • In 2018, 94% of births were delivered by a skilled health professional, up from 72% in 2013. During the same period, 84% of pregnant women were attended to four or more times by a health professional, up from 79%. 100% of pregnant women received tetanus vaccine two or more times, up from 89.3%. 7.7 million people were benefited in 2018, up from 6.2 million in 2013.

  • From 2013–18, 1.6 million students benefited from a revitalized education development project and 84% of teachers were trained in improved reading methods.

  • From 2013–18, 8,100 schools were reopened, benefiting 1.3 million students and 100% of the schools were provided with reading books.

Solomon Islands

  • From 2010–18, construction of community infrastructure employed 13,000 people from vulnerable communities and generated more than 785,851 days of work. 52% of the people employed were women and 60% were between the ages of 16 and 29. Over USD 3 million were paid in wages to many unemployed who worked an average of 59 days. Participants have found employment with vocational education centers and were engaged as supervisors on urban road projects.

  • From 2014–18, 1,813 people benefited from one-on-one coaching services and 1,073 people produced their CVs. According to the 6th Annual Survey, 77% of respondents who had obtained subsequent employment found the pre-employment training project to be useful. Of this group, 77% were women and 76% were youth.

  • From 2014–18, 61,857 people benefited from road works and other community infrastructure. 775,731 days of work were generated, and women accounted for 411,137 days of work.

  • From 2015–18, 53,504 people benefited through improved quality of rural infrastructure or services, including from disaster recovery. During the same period, 104 community infrastructure sub-projects were completed, and 11,581 days of agriculture training was provided.

  • Between 2015–18, 44,188 benefited from improved quality of and/or access to rural infrastructure or services, of whom 22,190 were women. 6,695 farming households engaged in productive partnerships with commercial enterprises and 82 community infrastructure projects were completed.

South Sudan

  • From 2015–18, 53,290 people received cash-for-work, food-for-work, and temporary employment through a public works program. Four million days of work were created, of which 76% were for women.

  • In 2017, 505,396 people benefited from an emergency food and nutrition project. 31,770 households were supported in resuming crop and livestock production in 2018.

  • From 2017–18, 175,415 children and 107,464 pregnant and lactating women were provided with blended supplementary food.

  • From 2017–18, 7,803 tons of food and 465 tons of seeds and planting materials were made available to the beneficiaries of a safety net program. 420,943 animals were vaccinated against common diseases, and 31,386 farm tools were distributed to eligible beneficiaries.

St. Lucia

  • From 2014–18, 10,000 people benefited from the construction of a new Dennery infant school under a disaster vulnerability reduction project. The previous building was severely affected by Tropical Storm Debbi and Hurricane Tomas in 2013. The National Emergency Management Organization (NEMO) and National Skill Development Centre were rehabilitated to reduce vulnerability to climate-related events.



  • In 2018, 1,900 students were enrolled in short-term courses developed in response to labor market demand, of whom 1,040 were women.

  • From 2013–18, 1.4 million people benefited from an improved irrigation and drainage services project. 994,988 days of employment were generated, 239,461 days of which were for women.


  • From 2012–18, 5.3 million people benefited from a well targeted social safety net system, of whom 52% were women. 1.1 million households in 9,990 villages were benefited from a targeted conditional cash transfer program. During the same period, 37 million days of work were generated.

  • In 2018, 78% of births were delivered by a health care professional, up from 45% in 2014. In 2018, 61% of pregnant women attended four or more antenatal care visits increased from 41% in 2012. During the same period, 100% of the children aged 12-59 months received at least one dose of Vitamin A, up from 51%.

  • In 2018, 5.2 million people benefited from a targeted social safety net program, up from 5,000 in 2013.

  • From 2013–18, 89% of the households received cash transfer through public works and 37 million days of work were generated.

  • In 2018, 9,990 villages were selected to consolidate social safety net programs for poor and food-insecure households. 96% of children aged under age two were attending health facilities regularly and 94% of children aged 6-18 years were enrolled in schools with 80% attendance.

  • From 2014–18, 1.1 million people in Dar es Salaam Metropolitan Area were provided with new or rehabilitated infrastructure, including 55 kilometers of all-season roads and 16 kilometers of major drains.

  • 60.5% of pregnant women attended four or more antenatal care visits in 2018, up from 41% in 2015. 78.7% received at least two doses of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria in 2018, up from 42.5% in 2015.

  • From 2015–18, 10 million people received essential health, nutrition, and population services. During the same period, 1.3 million women and children received basic nutrition services and 8.9 million births were attended by a skilled health professional.


  • From 2014–18, 60 kilometers of the main North- South national road in Timor-Leste was improved and helped reduce travel times by 40%.
  • From 2010–17, 1670 out-of-school youths graduated with essential skills in linguistics, science, and personal development. Nine community learning centers were supporting community literacy and education programs.


  • From 2017–18, 49,958 people benefited from a safety net program, of whom 23,725 were women. During the same period, students in targeted schools with existing free meal programs were provided with 5.7 million meals.

  • 147,235 people benefited through the development of agriculture value chains in 2018, up from 125,313 in 2017. 420 commercial farms were promoted under a matching grant scheme in 2018 increased from 170 in 2016. During the same period, 11,853 farmers improved their animal husbandry practices, up from 9,266.

  • From 2012–17, 315,246 people in poor communities were provided with greater access to socio-economic infrastructure; 12,754 people benefited through cash-for-work, food-for-work, and public works. During the same period, 39,831 students were enrolled in rehabilitated or newly constructed schools.

  • From 2013–17, 50,320 beneficiaries were provided with access to an improved water source and 47,550 children were provided with 11.6 million free meals.

  • From 2014–18, 85,938 mosquito nets were impregnated with insecticide and 345,700 long-lasting insecticide-treated malaria nets were distributed to pregnant women. 57% of pregnant women received these nets during antenatal care visits in 2018, up from 2.7% in 2014.

  • 57% of pregnant women were provided with three doses of Intermittent Preventive Therapy with Sulphadoxine Pyrimethamine for malaria during an antenatal visit in 2018, up from 30% in 2014.

  • 86% of pregnant women received 90 tablets of iron and folic acid during antenatal visits in 2018, up from 38% in 2014.



  • 4.8 million pregnant women received antenatal care during a visit to a health provider in 2018, up from 1.5 million in 2015. During the same period, 766 health professionals received training and 77 health facilities were constructed, renovated, or equipped.

  • 2,477 hectares of land were brought under improved water resources management in 2018, up from 1,500 in 2017.

  • 580,598 people living in urban areas were provided with access to improved water sources in 2018, up from 403,959 in 2015.

  • 6,870 people were provided with access to improved sanitation in 2018, up from 2,915 in 2012. During the same period, 18,100 households were connected to piped water, up from 14,332.



  • From 2014–18, 30,198 people living in remote areas were provided with new or improved electricity service through off-grid or mini-grid renewable sources; 6,034 households were connected generating 75.5 kW of energy; and 338 community electricity connections were installed, generating 3.9 kW.



  • From 2017-18, 2.5 million people were provided with access to community services, such as roads and irrigation. 220,094 women and children benefited from nutrition services.

  • From 2017–18, 1.5 million households, representing nine million people, were provided with emergency cash transfers, of whom 47% were women, to alleviate a sharp increase in the poverty rate following a crisis in Yemen in 2011.

  • From 2016–18, 6.8 million days of work were generated for 300,639 people receiving short-term employment, of whom 47% were youth, and the most vulnerable population received access to basic services, of whom 28% were women.

  • From 2017-18, 4,344 farmers adopted improved agricultural technology, of whom 1,550 were women. During the same time, 48,950 households resumed crop and livestock production and 4.9 million livestock were vaccinated.

  • From 2017-19, 2 million people in cholera-affected areas were provided with access to improved water sources and 2.2 million people were vaccinated with oral cholera vaccine. During the same time, 15 million people were provided with essential health and nutrition services, 7.3 million children were immunized, 813,587 pregnant women received antenatal care during a visit to a health provider, and 259,318 births were attended by a skilled health professional.



  • 312,000 cattle were vaccinated annually against Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia and 96% of cattle were vaccinated against Foot-and-Mouth Disease in 2018, up from 70% in 2012.

  • From 2015–18, 33,626 women received support through a women’s empowerment and livelihood project. 16,239 girls were enrolled in secondary school and 16,160 women received conditional cash transfers.

  • From 2012–18, 2.9 million people received essential health, nutrition, and population services, of whom 2.5 million were women. From 2014–18, 1.8 million women and children received basic nutrition services.

  • 55.1% of births were attended by a skilled health professional in 2018, up from 27% in 2012. During the same period, 64% of health centers offered integrated management of childhood illnesses, and 3,211 health workers were trained in maternal, newborn and child health.

The World Bank

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